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Fitrafood | Solusi Masak

Our Variety of Products is Charming,
Creating an All-Atmosphere Menu

Cooking Solutions from breakfast to dinner.

Trusted Products for Business Optimization


Fitrafood has more than 17 years of experience in meeting the needs of Horeca (Hotels, Restaurants, Catering & Cafes) throughout Indonesia.

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Fitrafood | Solusi Menu untuk perhotelan, restoran, kafe, katering, dan keluarga Indonesia.

Easy to Cook, Indulging Every Bite

Menu Solutions for hospitality, restaurants, cafes, catering, and Indonesian families.


Logistic Support, Ensuring Constant Stock Availability

Business Solutions for assuring product stock according to hotels, restaurants, cafes, and catering needs.



Achieving Success Together

Fitrafood is trusted to be the partner of choice for world-class established brands and is ready to collaborate with you to achieve success.

Fitrafood | Mitra tepercaya brand mapan berkelas dunia dan siap bekerja sama dengan Anda untuk raih sukses bersama.

Customer Service in Your Convenience

If you have any inquiries, please contact us via email or phone number listed on this website.

Fitrafood | Layanan pelanggan penuh kenyamanan untuk setiap pertanyaan yang diajukan.

Many Places to Choose From.
Find the Nearest One

Fitrafood | Mudah didapatkan di kantor cabang Fitrafood, supermarket, pasar tradisional, marketplace, dan tersaji di restoran serta beragam hotel terkemuka, dari Aceh hingga Papua.

Fitrafood products are easily available at Fitrafood branch offices, supermarkets, traditional markets, and online marketplaces, and they are served in restaurants and various leading hotels, from Aceh to Papua.


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